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Everything ECO or what?

Our ÖKO-FLEX panel heating pipe is THE ECO-PIPE.

Why? Quite simple:

  • Energy saving Our ÖKO-FLEX panel heating pipe made of self-crosslinking polyethylene PE-HDS in accordance with DIN 16892 enables energy savings of approx. 35 % during production.
  • Coupling instead of throwing away: Our non-detachable and particularly secure PRINETO sliding sleeve connection allows standard-compliant connection of panel heating pipes with our PRINETO couplings. O-ring free and safe.
  • Do not use plastic packaging: We deliberately do not use plastic caps for heating pipes and PE packaging for our pipe rods to reduce plastic waste.

Other features:

  • Excellent processing properties due to great care in the production process and specially adjusted raw material
  • EVOH sheathing
  • Oxygen-tight

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