INFO: Aufgrund von IT-Wartungsarbeiten verkürzte Bestellannahmezeit am Freitag, den 25.08.2023 +++ Bestellannahmeschluss um 12:00 Uhr +++ Ab Montag, den 28.08.2023 sind wir wieder wie gewohnt für Sie erreichbar.

Our teammates from Vienna

From left to right: Roman Rieser, Dardan Tarllamishaj, Leiter Logistik Wien: Tuncay Karakütük

Did you know that in addition to our company headquarters and main warehouse in Rohr near Nuremberg, we also have a warehouse in Langenhagen and in Vienna?

Our Vienna warehouse is located here: 📍Deutschstraße 15, 1230 Vienna

The warehouse has an area of 850 square metres. Part of it is the showroom where product samples of our main product groups PRINETO, LATENTO, STAINLESS STEEL and PRIPRESS can be admired. 😊

Customers can pick up their goods directly at the warehouse and, if necessary, pay for their order at the same time. 💸😎

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