INFO: Aufgrund von IT-Wartungsarbeiten verkürzte Bestellannahmezeit am Freitag, den 25.08.2023 +++ Bestellannahmeschluss um 12:00 Uhr +++ Ab Montag, den 28.08.2023 sind wir wieder wie gewohnt für Sie erreichbar.
Sliding sleeve system
We have the solution for your projects!
It couldn't be more effective!
Stainless steel pressing system
Surface heating systems
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Solar system

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Skirting heaters
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LATENTO solar system

Explainer video

Using the sun to support your heating system? An efficient solar thermal system not only provides hot water on summer days, but also utilises solar energy in the transition months and in winter. LATENTO uses large and small solar outputs for hot water production and uses them for heating backup even when it is frosty. This is maximum efficiency for maximum year-round solar heat. 


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