INFO: Aufgrund von IT-Wartungsarbeiten verkürzte Bestellannahmezeit am Freitag, den 25.08.2023 +++ Bestellannahmeschluss um 12:00 Uhr +++ Ab Montag, den 28.08.2023 sind wir wieder wie gewohnt für Sie erreichbar.
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Pipe connections in continuous operation
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of the WÜRTH Group
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Happy Birthday IVT!

Heute feiern wir den 30. Geburtstag von IVT! 🎂 Am 07.11.1994 wurde die IVT GmbH & Co. KG im Handelsregister eingetragen🌟 Wir bedanken uns bei allen Geschäftspartnern und der...


Today, on 1 October 2024, Professor Reinhold Würth is celebrating his 75th work anniversary. Over the years, he has not only turned the former two-man business into a global market leader but also created a unique corporate culture. It is values such as gratitude, appreciation and diversity that make Würth so special. You are welcome to share your congratulations in the comments below!

Maintenance of solar systems

We would like to explain 3 maintenance topics in more detail below! Solar thermal systems are generally very low-maintenance. However, to ensure trouble-free operation in the long term, regular maintenance must be carried out....

11.03.2024 - World Pipeline Day

Did you know? On today's World Piping Day, the special importance of safe and clean pipelines is to take centre stage. As a 100% Würth subsidiary, our direct sales organisation in the areas of plumbing and...

The IVT blog informs you about topics concerning our IVT team, products and news about our company. 

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Whether entertaining reels, interesting explanatory videos or cool posts: On our social media channels, you are always up close and personal and get a look behind the scenes of IVT as an employer and as a professional partner in the areas of sanitation, heating and solar.