INFO: Aufgrund von IT-Wartungsarbeiten verkürzte Bestellannahmezeit am Freitag, den 25.08.2023 +++ Bestellannahmeschluss um 12:00 Uhr +++ Ab Montag, den 28.08.2023 sind wir wieder wie gewohnt für Sie erreichbar.

Teachers from vocational school B1 visit IVT

On 22.03.2023 and 30.03.2023, we had the specialist teaching staff of vocational school B1 from Nuremberg as guests at our company headquarters in Rohr.

IVT Key Account Manager Roger Fuchs and IVT Technical Consultant Jan Sauernheimer prepared an interesting supporting programme for the participants.

This included a general IVT company presentation as well as the technical and practical presentation of our main product groups PRINETO, LATENTO and stainless steel.

The IVT factory tour was the highlight of the visit for all participants. Here they were not only able to visit our in-house production, but also gain exciting insights into the work of our quality assurance and logistics.

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