INFO: Aufgrund von IT-Wartungsarbeiten verkürzte Bestellannahmezeit am Freitag, den 25.08.2023 +++ Bestellannahmeschluss um 12:00 Uhr +++ Ab Montag, den 28.08.2023 sind wir wieder wie gewohnt für Sie erreichbar.

IDS interface for IVT online store

The IDS interface (Integrated Data Interface) for our IVT online store is now available.

What is needed for use:

  • IDS-URL https:‎‎//‎ (not usable via web browser)
  • Customer number DEXXXXXX
  • IVT online store email address
  • IVT Online Shop Password

The details of the interface are named at the central reporting office, so you can use the IVT interface with any program that can handle IDS.

Once the interface is set up, you can connect to the IVT online store from your craftsman software to import items and shopping carts and send / request orders / quotes.

Please contact your craftsman software if you have any problems.

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